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Great plans require great execution. Our consultants have learned from over ten years of bariatric program experience that running a program requires someone who is energetic, creative and has an entrepreneurial spirit. This can be difficult to find when the experienced pool of talent across the country is relatively small and most experienced bariatric administrators are gainfully employed. Unfortunately, there is not a college curriculum in Bariatric Program Management.

As a result, BMI has embarked on a "rent to own" course with bariatric program managers. BMI signs a management services agreement with the bariatric program to administer the program. We then advertise for, interview and recruit a new manager to our payroll to meet your program needs. This person "interns" with our experienced consultants, effectively obtaining more than two decades of practice management experience, while managing your program in your office.

During the term of the contract (typically three years) you have the support of BMI senior-level consultants. These seasoned professionals will step in to cover any unforeseen need such as a medical leave of absence or a termination of employment. Our pledge to you includes all of the years of experience in managing bariatric programs. Our commitment also includes the measuring tools and analyses of your program’s metrics. Perhaps most importantly, our commitment includes the patient-centered philosophy of always doing what is best for the patient. Choosing a Management Services agreement with BMI allows us to align the incentives for all stakeholders!

Please call us to learn more about this exciting service line.

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