Your bariatric insurance coverage verification service has really helped allow our bariatric patient advocates focus more on patient interaction and has cost me less than having to hire someone.
- Dr. Lee, Southern Minnesota Surgical

Another challenge facing us today is the need for prompt and accurate insurance coverage verification. Most programs check patient insurance coverage shortly after the educational seminar or at time of the Initial Consultation with the bariatric surgeon. No matter when your program verifies benefits, it can be a very time consuming process when case count exceeds 200 per year and seminar attendance is growing rapidly.

BMI’s verification service is designed to handle large volumes of benefits checks in a short period of time. We’ve created a customized solution, staffed by knowledgeable people who will call the patient’s insurance company and obtain detailed information on whether bariatric surgery is covered, what the requirements are prior to approval of surgery, deductible amounts, co-pay amounts and similar information. All this is obtained on a fee-for–service basis starting at $7.00 per verification!

If you compute what it costs you to do this currently, you may find this a very significant cost savings for your program.

  • Bariatric Insurance Coverage Verification Service Information
  • Untitled Document